miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

ESU Debating Tournament

The other team was formed by Mr. Eidelstein, Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Elgueta. They did a good job too. Their debate was a prepared one. They had the motion one week before, so they could search for facts. They debated the following motion "This house would eliminate trade barriers in international trades". 

Last Friday 17th, the Debate Team went to Nido de Águilas to participate in the ESU Debate Tournament. The first debate was against Lincoln Academy, and Mr. Park, Mr. Pavón and me debated. It was a tight debate, in which we unfortunately lose. The motion was "Weapons shouldn't be sold to private citizens". We argue, mainly, about the bad permission tests you have to pass to be able to buy a weapon. And even if they were good, this doesn't ensure that you'll be mentally healthy in a couple of weeks. Humans are unpredictable, therefore, they shouldn't have access to weapons. Lincoln's third speaker was pretty good debater, but I still don't understand how could we lose. He was very confident, spoke well, but what he said weren't even good ideas to solve the problem. Probably, they won because of style, because, in my opinion, the ideas we gave were better. 

The 1st of September we've got another debate in the tournament, so I'll be telling you soon about it! Hope we can win this time.

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