miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

Parts of the text

One of the most important things in literature is the theme, topic and main idea. Maybe you don't know the real differences between this three words, so I'll define them very briefly. 

  • Theme is the wide idea of what's being written. For example, love, happiness, sadness, etc.
  • Topic means the particular idea of the text. For example, Holden's alienation from the grown-ups.
  • Main idea is similar to the topic, but it's found literally in the texts, in many cases.
Also, the author's purpose is very important. The three principal purposes are:
  • To inform
  • To persuade
  • To entertain
The genre of the text is also one of the most important parts of the texts. Viewing the "macro" way, the two genres are:
  • Non Fictional: such as news, biographies, essays, etc.
  • Fictional: novels, stories, fables, dramas, etc.
The important things to consider when analyzing a text are:
Remember that the cultural context is the most important factor that affects in the text. If you know the cultural context, you can find easily the purpose, target audience and many others.
  • -The source
  • Vocabulary, Register
  • Target audience
  • Tone

Jargon and Argot

What is the difference between this two words? The first one can be defined as "the vocabulary peculiar to a particular profession or group". In the other hand, argor means "specialized vocabulary to a class or group, especially one devised for private communication". Some examples of argot may be:
  • Sport language: any sports specifical vocabulary. For example, in golf the words "par", "bogey" or "birdie" can be considered sports argot, as its definition isn't known by everyone.
  • Legal language: all the vocabulary used by lawyers and judges, specially the one used it trials.
  • Scientific language: the words scientists use, technical words. For example, doctors; when they talk about some deseases or about particular instruments. Common people doesn't understand anything of this.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Short Play!

One of the most funny classes since we have started this year was the one Ms. Verónica told us to prepare a short presentation of one of the following topics:

  • An interview to a famous waterpolo player.
  • A trial where you are the lawyer and you have to defend your client, charged with homicide.
  • In the laboratory, examinating a corpse and discussing about the causes of death.
  • Similar to the last one, but as Dr. House's colleagues.
My group, with Mr. Léniz and Mr. Gré, decided to perform the third topic. Personally, I think it was one of the most hilarious presentation, thanks to José Tomás, who is great in this type of oral presentations. I was the corpse and my partners where the doctors. It was a great opportunity to improve improvisation and, why not, laugh out loud.

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

We as Homo Loquens

Homo Loquens means an hominid that speaks or communicates through language. Language and culture are so related that language can even shape the culture of a particular place. As in every single entry of this blog, I have to tell you that there are many different perspectives about this topic, but, at least for this entry, I'll not discuss about them. I'll just talk about some facts and after I'll answer some questions of a very particular video. For example, did you know that in the whole World there are around seven thousand different languages? And that Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken one? And that Spanish or French have a common origin, coming from the Latin? Finally, do you know what a "polyglot" is? Watch the following video and you'll discover it!

1. How many languages does Alex speak?
He speaks 11 languages, from English or Spanish to Russian and Hebrew.

2. Does context help in the process of acquiring a new language?
Of course. The context gives the culture, and many things are too different if you see them in one or another culture. 

3. Are there any languages that have similiar pronunciation?
Yes. For example, Italian and Spanish.

4. Which of the languages spoken by Alex seem more colloquial?
Actually, as I can't understand the languages he speaks more than Spanish or English, I can't really appreciate that aspect. But, a priori, the two languages he speaks and I understand are quite "common" language, so they could be the more colloquial ones. 

5. Is class a more important factor in language variation than geography?
No. The geography and the context of the language are the most important factors in how is it speaked.

4. Do you think, the ability of learning a language is innate or learned?
I think that for some people it may be easier, but everyone can learn different languages, despite other factors. Of course, as there are people that for them is easy, there are others that for them is too hard, but I think we all can achieve to talk a new language.

5. According to you, are some languages more or less difficult  to learn than others? Talk about your own experience.
There are some languages more difficult than others, as Asian ones that don't even use our same system of signs. In my own experience, I had a short introduction to Mandarin Chinese, and I found it very interesting, and not so hard. I think that when I have again the opportunity, I'll continue learning that language.