lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Interhouses: General Knowledge

Today, we met once again for the General Knowledge Event, celebrated every year in the school's anniversary week.
It consisted in one student of each house representing every year (class), from 5th to 12th. There were 4 categories, each one of two grades: 5th & 6th, 7th & 8th, 9th (supposedly) & 10th, 11th & 12th. In the case of the 9th grade participants, they are nowadays in the Chilean Northern Trip, therefore they couldn't join us. But year 10th had to call another contestant, to fulfill the requirements of two people in every group. In my case, I'm in the Mackay house, and my partner was Mr. Oporto, also from 10th grade. 

There were many subjects you could choose, and they would make everyone (of that specific group) the question. Subjects varied from science and spanish, to music and sports, so that you needed to have a wide knowledge. I ought to say that in most of the questions, Mr. Oporto managed to answer them correctly, so I must give thanks to him. 
Mackay's Mascot Vicente Gómez

It was a tough competition, but luckily we could handle the situation and achieve 50 points for our house, with the triumph. I am completely satisfied with the results, and I hope it repeats next year, just as most of the past 4 or 5 years we have been winning.

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