sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

Fateless' Author

In this post, I'll analyse briefly some questions about the author of Fateless, Imre Kertész. Hope you enjoy them!

1. Before the interview, the presenter visits a monument to the Holocaust created by the American artist Peter Eiserman. Considering the shapes, architecture and general design, in what ways do you think he represents the reality in the concentration camps?
I think that it may be pretty similar to what people felt, the vulnerability, the not knowing if you'll survive, the not being able to think.

2. Which is the paradox the presenter mentions regarding Imre Kertész and the place where he lives?
He lives in Germany, as it's the only place where he feels free; paradoxically, this was the country that wanted him dead.

3. Refer to antisemitism before and after Auschwitz according to Kertész.
Antisemites before Auschwitz didn't know really how could it be to torture and slay millions of Jews. But the antisemites of the present, already know this and want it again: that's why it's worst than everything else.

4. In what way do reminders of the past in historical books make us "much richer"?
Richer in the sense of knowledge, of knowing what would happen in a certain situation. We will not repeat the same atrocities, unless we forget what happened. That's why it's important to remember.

5. Which metaphor does Imre use to exemplify the effect of FATELESSNESS on its readers?
If we don't know about the Holocaust, it will be like a box in your soul, that eventually will come free and start those atrocities again and again.

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