sábado, 1 de junio de 2013

UNAB Debate Tournament

During this year, we have been participating in the UNAB Debate Tournament in Santiago. Motions as different as if marches are or not something legitimate in Chile, if private schools should or should not have a minimum number of scholarships for people who can't afford it, if discipline or talent is the key for success in sports and if police should be able to use paintballs during riots. All these motions were debated by The Mackay School's Debate Team, against Carampangue, Lincoln, Everest and Grange, respectively, resulting in half of the debates being won by us. Even though we were eliminated in quarter finals, I can say that it was a great experience, were we had the chance to learn and improve our English and persuasive skills, and also I'd like to welcome the new members of the Debate Team, from Iº Medio, that had been fundamental for us in this tournament. 
I hope we can practise a lot during the next months, so that we can have better results in the ESU Debate Tournament, by the end of the year.

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