jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

Mankind: The Story of All of Us

That's right, the title you can see above is the name of a History Channel show. But I'm not trying to steal the name or something like that. I just want to post that it was an incredible job the live show they did. Ghana and Pakistan where just a couple of all the countries they video-taped. And of course, Chile! And not any place in Chile, but our school, The Mackay School! It was really marvelous to be in the show in live, with Miss Lydia, and my friends Thomas Reynolds and Mingi Park. It was something very fun to prepare, even if I got a little nervous. Having contact with real, specialist people that were the ones that practised and helped us to do a perfect job, was really entertaining. Finally, I think we did a great job, and for that, I wanted to thank everyone that was present, specially the people of History Channel that made all this possible, and of course, Miss Lydia and my friends!

P.S.: In the next link, you can check the Mackayzine post, that will allow you to comment and also it will lead you to the History Channel webpage, were you can watch the show!

                             Mackayzine - History Channel

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