jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Amazing year!

I'm grateful for the opportunity I had to be part of such a great class. I give thanks to the English Department, specially Mr. Calderón and Ms. Lydia for their support in everything. Debate was an excellent chance for improving my skills, making me feel proud of having participated in it, and also, making friends. Also, I liked very much how do the classes focused the literature, teaching the historical context of the novels and how to read between the lines. Of course, everything ended with the History Channel event, that was really awesome. It was a pleasure to participate so many activities during this year, and hopefully I can repeat this during the next year and learn as much as possible. As Ms. Pizarro said once, "Heaven is the limit". And I won't stop, till I reach it.

2 comentarios:

  1. I am really proud of having had a student like yourself, capable of reasoning and understanding the world in such a way that was a model for the rest, and with a willingness and eagerness to learn not usually seen in students your age. Keep up the good work and rest assured I'll keep reading your amazing posts!
    - Sir Alfredo

    1. Thank you very much for your support. I love hearing comments like this one, because it makes me think that what I love to do is also the right path of learning. Thank you again and I hope I don't disappoint you.
      Best Regards
      - Sebastián
