miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012


This week we started talking about stereotypes. What are they? Well, they could be considered as a prejudgment to a group of people, because of their gender, race, etc. Examples of stereotyping could be call "Chinese" to every Asian person you see, or to arab people "terrorist". The bad thing about it, is that you may start really believing this things and discriminate them. For example, you may start treating all Africans as slaves if you really start believing they are slaves. Possible causes of stereotyping may be ignorance and shallowness of many people, who don't care to investigate a little about other races, and they just say what they have heard. In Chile, stereotyping and discriminating Peruvians and Bolivians is very common, because of their facial aspects.

1 comentario:

  1. Indeed stereotypes cause misunderstandings, and it's a pity that in most cases is due to lack of information.
